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A day that the Lord has made

Hello again my friends. I love the verse Psalm 118:24; This is the day the Lord has made; We will rejoice and be glad in it. It is one that always reminds me to find some joy somewhere in my day. And because I love to find the definitions on words I already know. Naturally I did this morning. Rejoice: to feel or show great joy or delight. So how to we feel (much less show) great joy on the bad days or just the regular mundane days where there is nothing to be excited about? I don't know about you but it's not everyday I spring out of bed with a big smile on my face. But we can rest assured that God gave us another day and that is something to be grateful about. Right? But why don't we think of that when we're cursing at our alarms in the morning? Its so hard to be joyful about another day the Lord has made when we first wake up and trudge toward our coffee makers or drive to Starbucks. But we aren't perfect and God knows that and doesn't expect us to be. The Lord is so forgiving; even when we aren't appreciative of another day. But I think it is important to find some joy in everyday life. And something I try to do (try) is when I'm complaining about something or can't find joy; I flip what I'm complaining about. So an example; If I'm complaining about dishes to do - the Lord gave me food to cook and eat. So hopefully I have inspired you to squeeze even a droplet of joy out of today. Joy is slowly draining from this world and getting replaced with hate, anger, depression, and other terrible things. If I can even add a pinch of joy back into the world through this blog; I will have considered it worth it. So please don't be afraid to tell me what made you smile because it is a new day the lord has made so rejoice and be glad in it.

Oh, I almost forgot. What made me smile is my husband who was talking to me while I was in writer's brain mode and laughed at all my delayed reacts and made me laugh about them too.


Thank you for reading my blog. I hope your coffee is good and your heart is filled with joy. 

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