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Alert Mind, Thankful Heart

Hello friends! Welcome to the fourth and final blog of this short series on Colossians. Yesterday I talked a lot about having gratitude and the right attitude. This book of the bible seems to be littered with thankfulness. I'm not surprised considering Paul wrote it. I also wasn't surprised to open my bible to chapter 4 and see this: 'Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.' (verse 2). I wonder what Paul meant about being watchful. I looked it up and in NLT and it says 'Devote yourselves to prayer with an alert mind and thankful heart.' Prayer demands ongoing attention! It's not supposed to be done carelessly. So Paul is saying to devote yourselves to praying with focus and gratitude.

Then I saw verse 6: 'Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.' He's referring to talking to 'outsiders' or I'm assuming unbelievers. But what did he mean to 'season with salt'? We know to season with salt, atleast if we're talking in the context of food, is to season a meal to our liking. But chef's also season dishes for presentation. That's exactly what Paul is talking about here. NLT: 'Let our conversation be gracious and attractive so you will have the right response for everyone.' Reminds me of the list yesterday. When Paul said to rid yourself of filthy language. And speaking isn't to be a careless act either. Especially when it comes to sharing the gospel. And in my opinion, speaking to someone also requires ongoing attention and even gratitude. Just think of the last time you talked to someone you love; A close friend or a partner. Don't they have your full attention? Do you feel gratitude for having them in your life? Doesn't it show in your words? That is exactly how we should talk to God and how we should talk to others. We should be full of grace; No matter who we are speaking to.

The bible says to love God and love each other. And be THANKFUL. Be thankful for God, the people in your life, and for everything given to you from the Lord. I am definitely an advocate of that. I tell you guys every day to smile. To find something to be thankful for in your life. And I will repeat that today. And as always tell me about it. Find something that makes you so happy you want to shout it from the rooftops. And you know you have a reason. You have God. That alone should be enough. I'm smiling today too guys. I have alot to be thankful for in my life. And I thank you guys for almost 500 post views. 477 to be exact. That is insane to me. I'd never image to have more than 10. I'm so thankful for you guys. I'm so glad God is using me for encouragement and is allowing me to share the gospel far beyond my reach.

Thank you for reading my blog. I hope your coffee is good and your heart is filled with joy. 

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