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Being Thankful for the Temporary and Praising the Eternal

Hello friends. Welcome back to 30 Days of Gratitude. Today I am thankful for the roof up above me. I am thankful that I have a home. It's not something everyone can say. I am thankful for some of the things in my home too that make life a little easier. Running water, an oven, my french press, indoor plumbing, my bed.

Although I know in the grand scheme of life, earthy processions aren't important. For I will not take these with me when I go. The limitations of my flesh, my body, will be no more. I will no longer need running water, a way to cook food, coffee, indoor plumbing, or even a bed. My physical body may need water, food, a rest room, and sleep; but my spirit does not. The only thing my spirit needs is God.

So, I am thankful for these things, but I do not worship these things. Although all these things are awesome and my life wouldn't be the same without them, I know all of my physical belongs are temporary. This is my temporary home. Not only because I'm a military wife and we move often, but this world is temporary. But I am thankful for this earth and the time I have on it. I am thankful for the things I have, but my real treasure is God.

I think being thankful can mean to appreciate something without always putting it on a pedestal. If anything should be on that metaphorical pedestal, it should be God. He deserves all the praise, so I want to be careful not to praise the temporary. Although we say indoor plumbing is a life savior. It is not. Jesus is the real life savior. My friends, find something to be thankful for today. Find something to smile about today. Even something as simple as indoor plumbing, but also take time to be thankful for the non-temporary, the eternal. I am smiling, not only about my processions, but mostly about my treasure; my Father.


Thank you for reading my blog. I hope your coffee is good and your heart is filled with joy. 

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