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Hello friends! You know, there is this one thing my Chaplin said a couple of Sundays ago that has been on my mind ever since. He said something along the lines of: "Everyone is looking for something permeant, something they can rely on, something that they can lean on in times of trouble. They are looking for this whether they know they are or not, but uswhobelieve, we already have that. We have the light of life that others are searching for."

He is right. Everyone wants something permeant and reliable in their lives. Something that will stay the same. We cannot rely on anything that is in this world like that. Even the earth below our feet shifts, but God, Oh the beautiful Almighty, well He stays the same. He is never failing, never fading, never changing. He will never forsake, never break His promises, never ever abandon His people.

We cannot say the same about anything else. We yearn for the Father, even before we are saved; like a fatherless child yearns for their father. The creation yearns for the Creator, even if they don't believe there is one.

God is the one who hung the stars in the sky. The one who sculpted creation. He is the one who made the Heavens and the Earth. The one who made everything and everything exists to lift Him high. So, when a piece of Him lacks Him, it yearns for Him, because we are all pieces of Him. We are made in His image after all.

The title of my Chaplin's sermon was ' What it means to be blessed'. And truly, uswhobelieve, we are blessed because we have the Father, we no longer yearn for Him. Through Him we have purpose, the light of life, and freedom.

So, let the light of life rest upon your face today. Smile, because you have the best reason in the world to smile. You have what everyone is after. You are blessed.


Thank you for reading my blog. I hope your coffee is good and your heart is filled with joy. 

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