Bloggy Update
Hello friends! Well the month of November flew by for me. It felt as though I had just started 30 Days of Gratitude and now it is over. At least on my blog. Don't worry I will continue giving thanks to God. You might be wondering if I have any fun themes planed for this month, because in October I did Blogtober and in November was 30 Days of Gratitude. Well I do have something planned this month, but for only 12 days of it. I'm going to be doing a 12 days of Christmas theme here on my blog where I will be discussing the birth of Christ, which we all know is the true reason for the season.
So, the 12 blogs leading up to Christmas will be consecutive, but up until then I'm going to continue taking weekends off like I did last month. It was really nice to take the weekends off from the blogs to spend time with my hubby and come back to my writing with fresh eyes. I even took the weekends sometimes to brainstorm to get some creative juices flowing. Sometimes I could just write and write and, before I realize it, the blog I've typed will be way too long and I have to shorten, but there are days when writing is harder. I just stare at my screen for a half hour or better trying to just get started writing, which is the hardest part.
It really helps just starting with 'Hello friends!' like I do every blog. It's like a jump start for my writing. I guess today's blog was just kind of an update to let you guys know about 12 days of Christmas (Blog Edition) and about the weekends. I hope you guys are looking forward to my theme this month. I have no plans for the blog after Christmas yet but maybe we could do something special for New Years. We shall see, but for now my friends, find something to smile about today. Today I am smiling because I am looking forward to the upcoming holiday.