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Changes and Updates

Hello friends! I decided to take a week off from blogging to hopefully get rid of some writers block I've been experiencing. I had posted an update to let you guys know about it last Tuesday and I'm not sure what happened but it didn't go live. I didn't realize this until today. I'm so sorry about that. Usually I double check my blogs to make sure they were actually posted because WIX is weird sometimes, but I forgot to double check it.

Today is just going to be an update blog. I want to keep you guys in the know about what my plans are this month. This might be redundant for my subscribers because you guys got this info in the March Newsletter.

First off, a new posting schedule is due yet again since Mondays were a hit and a miss. Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays seem more spaced out, so let's see if this schedule will work better. Can't know until you try right?

I have decided to do another Book of the Bible series again this month and I have decided to start 1 John on Thursday. At first I was considering Philippians but I feel like God is leading me to the Johns and book 1 seems like a good one. It is also short which is important when blogging. Long series make for long blogs and I want to keep things convenient for my readers.

Well, that is all I have for you today. I will see you on Thursday for the 1 John Series. Remember to find something to smile about today.


Thank you for reading my blog. I hope your coffee is good and your heart is filled with joy. 

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