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Ditching Earthly Mentality and Societal Ideology - Putting My Confidence in God

Hello friends! So, Mondays aren't working out with posting my blogs, considering I've missed 3 in a row now. So, let's change up the schedule for Wednesdays and Fridays only. I do apologize for missing a post, my life has gotten a little busier over the last couple of weeks. Thank you guys for bearing with me while I try to find a new schedule for posting my blogs.

Even though I fail and I make promises I don't keep, there is one whose promises never break. God is never going to let us down. He will never break a promise, He will never utter a false sentence. Everything He says is true and is spoken with the upmost confidence. Confidence in things that we cannot see. Confidence in things that we cannot comprehend with our human minds. But we can have confidence in God, that He is who He says He is and that He is good not matter what we think. He is the Savior whether or not we want to be saved. He is the King, whether or not we want a King. He is God whether or not we want God to exist.

Sometimes we try to make sense of God with our human brains. We try to look at God like a puzzle that we need to put together to make sense of Him. But God isn't a puzzle to solve. He is God. We are not knowing of why God does certain things and why the Bible says certain things so we try to put our ideology into it so it makes sense to our earthly mentality. But God isn't of earthly mentality nor can He fit in the small box of earthly mentality. God is God and we should trust that what He says is correct because we are corrupt in our minds and in our mentality.

Somethings are not going to make sense to us. Somethings may even seem twisted to us, but we are the ones who are twisted. We have to put our trust in God and ignore those who try to persuade us with their earthly mentality to think otherwise. God is never going to be popular. Being a Christian and acting like Christ will never fit into societies mold. And if something doesn't fit in that mold, people do what they can to disregard it.

But when this earthly world is done, who will be the most popular? Will it be trends and celebrities? Will it be what society thinks? Or will it be the Creator, the Author, the Alpha and Omega? People now a days are obsessed with celebrities. Well, I talk to the biggest celebrity of them all every day. The One who saved mankind by dying on the cross. The One who raised from the dead. The One who created our earthly celebrities.

My friends, I hope you find something to smile about today; I hope you get excited about Jesus today. I hope that you will put all your confidence in God and turn on that heavenly mentality. And remember that God loves you.


Thank you for reading my blog. I hope your coffee is good and your heart is filled with joy. 

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