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Don't Overthink, Just Write

Hello September! And hello to you too! The packing is going good. Today I unpacked and cleaned all my clothes and organized my closet. Not only am I thrilled to finally have my clothing, but I am so happy with how my closet turned out. I also enjoyed the process.

You know I've been really enjoying writing these blogs for you guys. I've always loved writing and use to write poems and little stories all the time when I was in my school years. I have a notebook that I wrote a story in from when I was 7 or 8. Now that I think of it, it's always been kind of an escape for me. And we've established that I have a much easier getting my point across from writing than talking. If you're wondering what I'm talking about you may have missed my blog post, 'Coming Out Of My Shell'. Writing has just always been a positive outlet for me and with all the confidence I'm building from this blog; I'm considering writing an E-book or just a short story.

I've noticed I tend to overthink everything and it causes a lot of stress in my life. But writing is the one thing I don't overthink. In fact I think it does the opposite for me. I'm able to get things out of my brain and on paper instead of adding things back in. It really clears my mind. I really hope you guys are enjoying my blogs as well. Surprising enough I also enjoy the website building and the upkeep that comes with having a blog, despite being technologically challenged. I love how sometimes I can go on here and write about my day, what God has brought to my attention, or just sharing things I bought or made. It feels really freeing that I can have all my passions on one website. I don't have to stick to a certain theme. I can just write. Thank you guys for letting me just write and thank you for reading my blogs. It means so much to me.

What made me smile today? I'd have to say coming here and just clearing out my head with you. It's definitely something I've grown fond of. What made you smile today? Don't be afraid to tell me down at the bottom of this page. I'd love to hear about it.


Thank you for reading my blog. I hope your coffee is good and your heart is filled with joy. 

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