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Embrace The Grace

Hey guys! I'm doing good, but I'm not going to lie. It's hard sometimes; to be alone. I've also been suffering with a bad case of home sickness. I miss my family and friends. It's hard not having that human connection. I miss my fur babies. I miss everything that is familiar to me. I don't have a single friend in this whole country I'm in. I've never been this alone, but at the same time, I've never felt His presence this strong. One night I cried to him. I said God I can't do this. I'm just not cut to be alone like this. He came to me, guys. I had my eyes shut tight. I didn't see Him, but I saw a shadow on the wall and immediately felt complete peace. He held my hand and sat beside me until I fell asleep. I felt Him kiss my hand before He left me. I was in awe. The Lord of all the earth and heaven and galaxies; He loves me so much that He came to me in my time of need, regardless of my sins. Some days are hard, but nothing God can't handle. He is with me. And writing to you guys helps too.

I really enjoyed going over the book of Ephesians with you. Yesterday we talked about the full armor of God and I really enjoyed that too. The only reason we have God and His protection and the armor of God is because of what Jesus did on the cross. We were condemned. We had no protection from the enemy, but now we are saved by the grace of God. And nothing can take that away.

And God does have so much grace for us. We don't have to earn it. It's there waiting for us to embrace it. Sometimes we feel like we need to strive for His grace and mercy. Like we have to fight for it or earn it. But it's already there. We don't deserve it. But Jesus paid our way in. He has liberated us. Because He saved me, I am a child of God.

Isn't that amazing. I've found myself being more and more in awe of our God. I want to do what I can to honor Him. If I can do that through this blog. It will be worth it. So embrace His grace. Take it in; accept it. It's there for you. And smile! Jesus paid for your salvation. Isn't that a reason to smile? Sharing with you guys my experiences with God always makes me smile and knowing the father will be there no matter how hard things get.


Thank you for reading my blog. I hope your coffee is good and your heart is filled with joy. 

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