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Hello friends! Welcome back to 30 Days of Gratitude. Today I am thankful for the gospel. The good news that we are saved, free, forgiven, rescued, liberated, delivered, redeemed. Our chains are broken! And as I said on day 3, that was accomplished by the blood of Jesus on Calvary.

I really love how Beth Moore describes the gospel in her book/video series Entrusted. The gospel is a gift that God entrusted to us to share. I love that. I have a painted rock with the word entrusted on it so that it can be a reminder to me that I am entrusted with the gospel. I feel very blessed to be entrusted with something and how exciting it is that I could be the barer of good news.

That my friends is what inspired this blog. To lead people to the Father with love. And I do have a love for people that I can't deny. I know it may not seem like it in my demeaner, but it's really because I am shy and soft spoken. So writing is my outlet for getting my point across. And what a blessing it has been. God has shown me more since I've started blogging then he ever has. Well, I'm sure he was trying to show me things, but I just wasn't listening. Blogging gives me this reminder to listen for the tender whispers of love. So thank you for being a part of that.

I am thankful for the gospel because without it, so many would go their whole lives without knowing the love that I know. Without feeling the love that I feel. Without eternal life. I know I would still be a dead man walking. So I am thankful for that good news. What a freeing feeling it is to know that I am guaranteed. So, I hope you guys can find something that will spark joy. Something to smile about. I am smiling because with the gospel; I am chosen, free, forgiven, wanted, and child of the king.


Thank you for reading my blog. I hope your coffee is good and your heart is filled with joy. 

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