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For me and There For me

Hello friends. Welcome back to 30 Days of Gratitude. Today I am thankful that God has a hand in my life and that He is for me. He doesn't just sit back and watch me live my life. He is involved. He has protected me from things I don't even know about. He made it so that Kevin will be here for Thanksgiving tomorrow (Japan is a day ahead of the USA). He originally was leaving tomorrow but things got changed around, long story short, he is leaving Friday instead. I just know that was God.

God guides me and whispers in my ear to keep me on the path. I feel His embrace when I weep. I felt His presence when I was alone in a foreign country for over a month by myself. I am thankful that He is involved in my life. He could just as easily sit back and watch me fumble around on this earth. He doesn't though. He loves us so much that He helps, intervenes, guides, fights battles, and many other things that we don't even know about.

That is a pretty awesome God if you ask me. He does all this for me even though there was a time when all I did was complain to Him. "God this isn't going right." "God why do you allow this to happen?" "God I want this." I was too busy complaining that I would forget to thank Him. So, take time to thank Him today, friends. As we said yesterday, He is such a good God. You have a good Father who is for you! So smile about it today. Get excited about it. You have a God that is willing and able to help you in this life. That is pretty incredible. I can't help but feel that Holy Ghost fire blaze in my heart and lift the corners of my mouth. HE IS THERE FOR ME. HE IS FOR ME. THE ALPHA AND OMEGA IS FOR ME!

P.S. I'm not going to be posting a blog tomorrow because it is Thanksgiving day here in Japan. So I will write to you next on your Thanksgiving! I'm sure I'll wish all of you a Happy Thanksgiving then, but I will wish you one now too. I hope your holiday is full of happiness and thanksgiving.


Thank you for reading my blog. I hope your coffee is good and your heart is filled with joy. 

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