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Forever Enough is His love

Hello friends and welcome back to Abounding In Love. So far we have defined three words in this series: love, abounding, and overflowing. It's time for the fourth and final set of definitions where we will define enough. Let's get started! Remember that our key words will be in bold text.

These definitions come from Google. Enough:

  • as much or as many as required

  • the required degree or extent

Both of these definitions include the same word - required. So, let's define that too!

Required: officially compulsory, or otherwise considered essential; indispensable.

The Lord is indispensable. He is enough and necessary for life. He is required for breathing; for if He hadn't breathed life into us, we would not have breath at all. And if breath is the main requirement to have life on this earth, He, in turn, is required for everything. All this turns back to love, for it was because of His abounding love, that He would breath life into us at all.

  • (enough) you agree with someone so much that it is impossible to overstate it

I feel this way when trying to describe just how necessary God is, like I did just in the last paragraph. To grasp this more, I typed 'impossible to overstate' into Google and found this:

If you "can't overstate", that means you can only understate; whatever you say, will not be enough to describe a thing's importance.

Isn't that just the way Christian life goes? You could preach the most captivating sermon (or write a compelling blog!) and it could still not be enough to get through to dead ears, but then again, it might! Don't be afraid to plant seeds, even if nothing comes out of them, and even if you will never see them grow.

  • (enough) used to indicate that one is unwilling to tolerate any more of something undesirable

This reminds me of something Jesus said just before He was beaten and crucified:

Returning the third time, he said to them, "Are you still sleeping and resting? Enough! The hour has come. Look, the Son of Man is delivered into the hands of sinners.

Mark 14:41

Returning the third time.. And there it is, my friends, yet another appearance of what's been popping up in my life lately -threes! And an appearance of something that rhymes with threes, keys, which is what I've been eluding to since part one of this series!

Just after Jesus made this statement, He was arrested and crucified. This, Jesus dying on the cross, gave us the keys to the Kingdom. Because of His display of love, we are saved and can now have everlasting life! Jesus was our way across; He was our bridge to the Father! I have a wall-hanging in my living room that says 'Love is the bridge between two hearts'. I believe Jesus is that love! He connects us to God.

He is:

  1. the way

  2. the truth

  3. the life

I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you really know me, you will know my Father as well. From now on, you do know him and have seen him. Philip said, "Lord, show us the Father and that will be enough for us."

John 14:6-8

In this verse, Philip didn't understand the Three-in-one and Jesus went on to correct him. He told him that the Father is in Jesus and that He is in the Father. But just looking at that statement, 'Lord, show us the Father and that will be enough for us' speaks to my Spirit. The Trinity, the Father, all of them linked together, is enough for us. Show us all three, or any one of them, for they all exist in each other, and that is, not only enough, but more than enough for us.

My friends, I hope you grasp some joy in the knowledge that His love is enough, was enough to save us, and will be forever enough for us.


Thank you for reading my blog. I hope your coffee is good and your heart is filled with joy. 

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