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He Is Enough (In Story Form)

I sat there, on a blanket in the wet sand from the tide and the morning dew, listening to the waves. It was 6 am, dark, and a bit chilly. I prayed. I thanked the one who made the scene I was in and I asked Him for a sunrise. I knew, even in my tired mind, that a sunrise would come rather if I prayed for one or not. Regardless, I prayed for a beautiful sunrise. One of those with hues of yellows, oranges, and reds that make you feel warm and fuzzy inside. Even in the dark, I could see the dense clouds overhead and the humid fog that proceeded to fool my eyes into thinking my glasses needed to be cleaned. Spoiler alert, I didn't get a sunset - well not like the one I wanted. With the fog and the clouds blocking out the sun, the sky slowly got brighter until, boom, it was day.

You might anticipate that I was disappointed and I was - for a moment. To see the sunrise is the reason I got up so early after all, but I realized that I had the sand and the sounds of the waves and most importantly of all - the One who created them. That is all I needed - all I would ever need. He is enough. So I smiled.

I flipped open my Bible to where the ribbon book mark fell - Psalms 139. I read the whole chapter.

For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made. (Verses 13-14)

I heard Him say, "I watched you." This gave me a start. I was thinking, "Watched me what?" He said, "I watched you as you developed in your mother's womb." This ran across my heart as a pick might run across guitar strings.

Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting. (Verses 23-24)

I prayed, "God lead me in the way everlasting." and wrote it down to be put in my prayer journal which is (well will be when I finish it) a journal of things I want to continually pray about.

I look out at the water and think of the first time I ever saw the ocean. Before my first trip to the beach I was told about the blue water and how it was so vast that it met the sky. I could not fathom this or imagine it. Sitting on my now damp blanket I began to wonder if God is this way. What if God is so vast that we can never fathom His greatness, His strength, His ability?

I wanted to dive more in God word so I prayed for a verse, a chapter, a book to begin with. I heard Proverbs 15. I read all the way to verse 30:

Light in a messenger's eyes brings joy to the heart, and good news gives health to the bones.

Does the good news of Jesus Christ, that we learn of before faith becomes prevalent in our lives, does it give health to our bones? Does it make them stronger? Give us a backbone, if you will? And the light in the eyes of the one who gave me that news - did they spark joy in my heart? I read on:

Wisdom's instruction is to fear the Lord, and humility comes before honor. (Verse 33)

This sounds backwards when you look through the lenses of earthly mentality. But God's eyes aren't warped from those lenses like ours are. His knowledge is as pure as water. Everything He knows is the truth.

I hope you guys like this new way of writing I did today. I can't say if I will do more like it in the future, but please do tell me if you liked it and want more like it. Before I wrote this God said to me:

I was here in the beginning and I was the one who created everything. I was the one who made creation - not just the actual creation called earth but the word creation - the concept. The concept of creation didn't exist before me. I have the understanding of everything. I was there at the beginning and I will be there at the end.

If God foresees the end of time, how can we claim that we know what is better for our lives? How can we trade our humility for honor? How can we withhold ourselves and our lives from the one who made the concept of life - the one who drew the blueprints for our world? How can we refuse to find joy in our lives, in our world, in our Creator?

I invite you to smile today. Even if you don't have what you prayed for. Even if you didn't get your sunrise because you have the Creator and that is enough.


Thank you for reading my blog. I hope your coffee is good and your heart is filled with joy. 

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