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Hope is my middle name (literally)

Hello my friends! I hope you have a wonderful Sunday! Now there's a word, hope. I've seen hope on all sides of the spectrum. You've got the bad side: Don't get your hopes up (meaning hope will be your downfall in this particular situation). Then you've got the good side: Keep your hopes up (meaning keep up your hope for a better outcome). The definition of hope is a feeling of expectation and desire for a particular thing to happen. Now I don't know about you but desire and expectation seem like two totally different words to me. Expectation: being a strong belief that something will happen and Desire: being a strong feeling of wanting to have something or wishing for something to happen. So hope can be a strong belief or a strong feeling. Let's define those too. Belief: an acceptance that something exists or is true, especially one without proof. Feeling: an emotional state or reaction. Now that I've defined all of these I can help but think I would like to be on the belief side; Accepting that whatever I'm hoping for will happen instead of feeling it might. I know I pulled out 1 John 5:15 a couple of posts ago but I feel like it pertains to today's post too. I also can't help but think belief would pertain to our "good side" that we mentioned at the beginning and feeling would pertain to our "bad side". Because if you tell someone to keep their hopes up; You BELIEVE that something good will come to them shortly. And if you tell someone to not get their hopes up; You FEEL like nothing good will happen. For those of you who don't know my middle name is actually Hope and I've always had a love/hate relationship with it and I wasn't sure why until today. But hope can also be defined as a feeling of trust. And I can't think of anywhere better for trust to fall but on God. So I'm going to put my hope and it's definition on the positive side of things and love my middle name. I think all this just goes to show even something that suppose to be a positive word like hope can be used negatively and it's important to spread positivity through your words and lean your trust on God. I truly hope you find something to smile about today. And if your going through something; Keep your hopes up because God is faithful. And I know good is coming your way. #Godisgood #hope #trustinHim #smile


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