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I will praise you in this storm

Hello friends. I just want to say thank you guys for praying for me during the storm today. A little context behind that for those of you who may not know. There is hurricane today here in Okinawa. I'm fine though! Only heavy rain and some wind so far, but not nearly as bad as the last one. I also want to take this time to apologize for not mentioning the storms here in my blog. I never want anyone to worry and I know a lot of you already are about me being in a different country and alone. That may be a silly reason, but I just don't want to be the cause of someone's stress. I never want to steal someone's joy away for selfish reasons. I know that probably sounds a little silly too, but its the truth.

I could feel the Lord's presence with me during the times I was scared. I think the majority of the time I'm scared, it's because of uncertainty. But just because I didn't know what to expect; Doesn't mean God didn't. He knew that it was going to be fine and I believe it was Him that moved the storm so we don't get so much backlash here. Also, in times of uncertainty, we can be certain of one thing. God is faithful and He will not give us more than we can take. God is always going to be there for you, even if you're alone. And that was me, after 2 almost back to back hurricanes, but I kept praising him. I found myself singing, "I will praise you in this storm and I will lift my hands. For you are who you are; No matter who I am." If I didn't have God with me during this time; I don't know what I would do. Probably huddle in the bathroom with a flash light, crying.

When I said, "The Lord is with me." on facebook I felt a little like Paul. That is what he wrote in his letter to Timothy right before his death. I don't mean that I felt like I was going to die. I mean I've said that before, many times before, but this was the first time that I mean't it and fully believed it. It made me think; How many times do I do that? Say things without whole-heartedly believing them? Well friends, I whole-heartly (totally a made up word) believe that God is amazing and that is a good reason to smile. As for what made me smile today? All the love I saw on facebook of everyone praying for me. Thank you all for reading.


Thank you for reading my blog. I hope your coffee is good and your heart is filled with joy. 

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