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Let God's Love Ingulf You

Hello friends! I’m not sure if I have ever told you guys here on my blog, but I love the beach. It is my favorite place to go. If I could, at any given time, choose to be anywhere in the world to be it would always be on a shore somewhere. Now that my mind is on the beach and my mind is on love this month, then I can’t help but think of how God’s love can be compared to some of the thing you might find near the sea:

His love is like the waves, much like in our oceans, His waves never seize. They keep coming and they wash over us just like how the blood of Christ washed away our sins. But unlike our ocean that will one day no longer make waves; God’s love is never ending.

God is moving like the breeze on the shore that is always blowing because of the waves. He is moving to do good for those who love Him because of His love for us.

In the same way that the tide has its’ highs and lows, so do we. Sometimes we feel good and happy and other times we are blue or stressed but God’s waves of love will always be there to push the tide back out and to give us joy.

The lighthouse symbolizes God’s beacon of light penetrating the darkness. He, after all, is the way, the truth, and the light. This beacon of light guides the way for those who are lost to make it back to the shore.

We are like the sand on the shore. Though we are many in number only a portion of us will be saved. (Romans 9:27) The driftwood is, in fact, the word for it keeps afloat and never sinks no matter how big the storms get. The shells are like the Spirit which is everywhere in God’s sea of love. You can always find it. The palms of the trees are the rustling sound of things to come – promises to be fulfilled by God who always keeps His promises.

The sea is bigger than all of the dry land, not to mention too deep for us to ever go. In this way, God love is always bigger and deeper than the ocean. And His love is the water because we cannot live without water. We cannot live without Him and His love.

My friends, I hope this made you smile today. God love you more than you can ever imagine. Go out and submerge yourself in that love. Let it ingulf you.


Thank you for reading my blog. I hope your coffee is good and your heart is filled with joy. 

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