Made With Love In Mind
Hello friends. You know I've heard a lot of excuses on why some believe there isn't a God. Here's one: if there is a God, why doesn't He just show himself physically so everyone knows about Him? Well He did. When Jesus came, He was God on earth. He showed miracles and did many miraculous things and proved who He was time and time again. But people didn't believe Him, why? Because we they were blind. We are blind until we become born again. So, some of us could see God right in front of us and could not see Him.
I've heard this claim before too: If there is a God why does He let people do bad things. Well God didn't make us to be puppets He controls. He made us to have our own personalities and to make our own decisions. I mean think about it. If you control every single thing your child does so that they will be forced to love and respect you, it wouldn't love at all, it would be forced and not genuine. He wants us to come to Him because we want to; because we love Him. There is a saying that goes: If you really love something, set it free; if it comes back to you, it's yours. God could control every moment we make, but He made us with love in mind, so it wouldn't work out.
Another one: If there is a God why does he let bad things happen. He put us on the earth; It quakes, it has destructive storms, and volcanos; it just comes with the territory. Also a lot of bad things happen because of people's decisions and I think I've already covered that. But also if nothing bad happened; how would we gain strength? There is no such thing as perfection. That only exists in God and in heaven. But if everything was 'perfect'; If there were strings coming down from heaven and we were all puppets and God was the puppeteer. Would it be better? I don't think so.
God put us on this earth with our own personalities to make our own decisions for a reason. We're on a mission to turn people to God, not by force, but with LOVE! That is the only way it could work. God made us to love others and to love Him. End of story. We were the ones that found sin and put it into our lives, our hearts, and into our world. So is there a God? Or do you think this world came together because of a 'big bang'? How can something come from nothing except by a creator? You have to bake a cake if you want one; it can't just appear in a puff of smoke. There has to be a creator if a creation exists. Period.
Don't take my word for it. Open the Bible, just dig around in there for a little bit and you will start to feel something different. A feeling that can't come from anywhere else. All you need is a tiny mustard seed of faith. I have that feeling everyday. Like a fullness in my heart. Because my heart is filled with Jesus Christ. So, I will smile about that today and I invite you to do the same.