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Military Wife Life

Well my friends it's getting closer to my husbands departure. Two day to be precise. For those of you who may have missed my post where I went into more depth about this; I'll quickly explain. My husband is going for schooling to progress in his military career.. He will be in North Dakota for a month and I will be alone in Japan. But now it turns out he is going to have to be quarantined as soon as he comes back to Japan and he's landing near Tokyo first so that's where he will be quarantined. So we will now be separated for a month and a half. I normally have my fur babies when my husband is gone, but this time they are in my hometown being taken care of by family. We thought it would be easier on them that way. But we plan to come back for them later.

And as you can imagine with Covid and social distancing its hard to make new friends here. But God is faithful and he has set this time aside for me for a reason. And I know it's not all for naught. Maybe so he can make me stronger. Maybe so I can focus on myself and things I enjoy? Maybe he has other things planned, but regardless I shall walk by faith even when I cannot see what is ahead. (yesterday's post anyone?) It will be hard though. I'm reminded of that quote,"Girl you can do hard things." And I can lean on God when I'm not strong enough. Also I know He will not give me more than I can take.

I will have plenty of unpacking to do to keep my mind off things as well. Our things are being delivered the day before my husband leaves. All this is just military wife life for you. It's hard but you have to support your husband so he can support the rest of the country. It's not ever an easy task, but God has me right where he wants me. And honestly I wouldn't have it any other way. Tell me something that sparked joy for you today. I'm smiling because of precious friends that will support me in my hard times and that will praise with me in my good times.

Thank you for reading my blog. I hope your coffee is good and your heart is filled with joy. 

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