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My Calling

Hello my friends from merry Japan. Today whilst drinking my coffee and reading my bible; I found my notes I took on callings. I took these notes while doing Beth Moore's Entrusted book and video series (HIGHLY recommend). I took these notes on a grocery list paper that says smile everyday. What a coincidence because I have deiced to write about what made me smile today on every post just like I did on the last post and is an ongoing theme of my blog in general. Not to mention the reason I created this blog is to fulfill some calling I feel inside of me to spread joy and the gospel with it. Anyway I want to share those notes with you:

-I am called to do what I can't. (example: David and Goliath).

-Until you can do what you are called to do, do what you are needed to do.

-Keep asking and it will be given to you (read Matthew 7:7-8).

-God saved us and called us according to His own purpose and grace.

-None of us will accidentally fulfill our calling. It will required focus, self discipline, and suffering.

-We have to be able to do what it takes to go where God leads.

-If were going to pay a price; Let it be an investment in something that guarantees eternal results. Don't think there is no prize at the end.

-Your calling is continually in process. It is not something you obtain and then maintain. Get over thinking that you supposed to have arrived at your goal by now.

-Your calling is to take hold of that for which Christ took hold of you. You don't have to know what it is. All you need to know is He knows and He will show you as you go. You may not be able to give it a name until your race is nearly over. Until then it is whatever he puts in front of you.

-Ask God, "Here I am what do you want me to take hold of now." And be faithful until He tells you.

I know today was a long post but hopefully you got something out of it. Knowing my calling is something I have always struggled with, but Beth Moore's book really opened my eyes to a lot of things. What made me smile today? Sharing these things about calling with you. God is faithful. #hangthecourse #japan #coffee #calling #smiletoday


Thank you for reading my blog. I hope your coffee is good and your heart is filled with joy. 

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