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My First Time Flying

Hello friends! You know it feels like this year had taken 5 years, but at the same time it feels like it's flown by. I can't believe it's about to be October! There's so much that's happened in my personal life. Not including the number of crazy things that happened this year alone and the big ugly one-Covid 19. I've moved all the way onto the other side of the world. Where day is night at home and night is day at home. Where there is no winter. It's crazy to think about.

It was my very first time getting on a plane. It was terrifying. I held my husbands hand as we took off into the air. I watched the world outside the small window. I'd never been so terrified and so in awe at the same time. And to look down at God's creation, from that high up, was memorizing. After that first take-off I wasn't too scared. I kept imagining His hand right under the plane. Thinking in my mind, that if it fell, He would catch it.

I wanted to sit near the window every chance I got, so I could see the beauty of the world high above the ground. Right as we were landing near Tokyo, We saw the mountain peaks; right below those where clouds, then the mountains led all the way down to the ground below. Those mountains are so large, we had to go almost 13,000 feet to see the peak. But any mountain, no matter how tall, can be moved by God.

That might not seem that incredible here on the ground, but when you see it from an arial view, it's mind blowing. But if God can make those mountains move, there is nothing He can't do for you. Our problems may seem too big to ever climb over, but God can take that problem away in a heartbeat. I hope you guys can find some joy in that today. What made me smile today? My good friend did. She called me unexpectedly and gave me a good laugh and sometimes that is just what we need.


Thank you for reading my blog. I hope your coffee is good and your heart is filled with joy. 

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