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New Year, New Series

Hello friends and Happy New Year! 2020 is finally over, thank the Lord! It’s a new year, a clean slate, and I want to kick this year off with God’s word, thus another series here on my blog. I’ve been praying and trying to find the perfect book of the Bible to do for this series. In my search, my heart keeps going back to this verse:

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is – his good, pleasing, and perfect will.

Romans 12:2

I feel like this is a perfect verse for the new year, not only because the word renew reminds me of new beginnings and healing, but also because it relates to my goals or ‘resolutions’ for 2021. My goals are to surrender to God’s will, because His will is perfect so how could I argue against it, and to read God’s word.

I have also been digging around looking for a word to keep in my mind for the whole year of 2021. And I think I have found it - surrender. I feel like that ties into my goals and the verse above. And I want to share with you the story of how that word came to me.

Over the last almost two weeks, whilst praying, I was looking for that word to use but, for some reason, I couldn’t remember it. I knew it started with an S. I just remembered it today when I was singing Sweetly Broken by Jeremy Riddle. That was the S word that was blanking from my mind for over a week! And that is the word I want to continually come back to this year. I want to be reminded to surrender my life to God, to surrender my heart to God, to surrender what I think I know to God. So that in return I can gain purpose, love, and knowledge. I no longer want to conform to this world, but I want to be continually transformed by God.

It’s like all these pieces in my mind have come together like a puzzle. And that is in itself is yet another piece. God has been showing me that He is making me complete. He is filling in what is missing in my life.

The verse in Romans is perfect, so the book of Romans will be the series to kick off this new year. It will be a 16-part series. I am greatly looking forward to it. We will start tomorrow! Until then, find something to smile about and start this new year off on a positive note.

P.S. No blogs on the weekends will continue. So, I will write to you next on Monday.


Thank you for reading my blog. I hope your coffee is good and your heart is filled with joy. 

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