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Hello my friends. As most of you know; I'm a rough place in my life right now with my husband being gone, but I have kept my smile. It may be hard, but I've got to be optimistic. Hard times are going to fall on us all and this year has been no exception. With 2020 that is an understatement.

You can't choose what happens in your life, but you can choose how you look at it. You can choose your prospective! So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal (2 Corinthians 4:18). So we must lift our gaze to heaven because this earthly life is short-term. Switch your prospective from a earthly one to a heavenly one. When we change our prospective like this; We don't see things in the same light. Not only does this help us make the best of bad situations, but we see everything differently. I've been trying to do this lately and it isn't easy. We get so use to our earthly mindset that we don't consider that there is a different way of thinking. God sees things far different than we do though. And if I am to proclaim myself as a christian; I must be a follower of Jesus. And to be a follower I want to think like Christ, act like Christ, and imitate His words.

There is a poem that goes; 'Watch your thoughts; They become your words. Watch your words; They become your actions. Watch your actions; They become your habits. Watch your habits; They become your character. Watch your character; It becomes who you are. So I believe that it starts with the thoughts, the mindset, and the prospective. And from there it becomes a domino effect and can drastically who you are as a person and your walk with Christ. And I want to be like Christ as much as humanly possible. I want to make my heavenly father proud. God has just swept me off my feet and I'm falling head first. And I love it.

I know some of you might be asking how the unpacking is going. I've unpacked all the boxes in the kitchen, cleaned all the unpacked dishes, appliances, and other kitchenware. I think there is one more box of kitchen things hiding, but other than that the kitchen is unpacked and organized. I'm smiling that it the kitchen is finally (almost) finished. In my opinion it is the hardest to unpack because there is so much cleaning associated with it. Now time to tackle everything else. Tell me what made you smile and switch that negative prospective to a positive one.


Thank you for reading my blog. I hope your coffee is good and your heart is filled with joy. 

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