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Reminding you to smile

Hello friends. Today marks blog #97! Remember I won't be posting this weekend, but I will have #98 out Monday, which means Wednesday will be the special milestone day. The count down to 100 continues! You know how you have those days when you brain doesn't want to function? Today is one of those days, and because of that, I don't have anything worth while to write to you.

So I just want to remind you to find joy today. I will be like that bird on the post in the picture, there to constantly remind you. Is that poetic or just random? Regardless, I think it is important to smile. I think that everyone needs a reminder to find something positive. So I will leave it at that and hopefully Monday my brain will be more cooperative.


Thank you for reading my blog. I hope your coffee is good and your heart is filled with joy. 

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