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Seek His wisdom for He can see all the outcomes and variables

Hello friends! 5 blogs to go before I reach my 100th blog. It’s getting close! There has been a word that has been echoing in my head recently; decision. Google defines this as a conclusion or resolution reached after consideration. As an example, below it reads ‘I’ll make this decision on my own.’ This reminds me that I’ve been trying to find clarification from God before making decisions lately because it is he who can see all the outcomes of the decisions I make.

He made it so we make our own decisions. Why did He do that? Wouldn't it have been easier to control everything we do? To have strings coming down from heaven that puppeteer us so that no one could do bad things and so that we will come to God automatically? God knew that we would fall if left to our own devices, yet He gave us the power of decision. Why not just control instead of guide? Why only point us in the right direction when He could control every step?

He could have done that yes, but if one of His children came to Him on their own, wouldn't that mean so much more? Wouldn't be a non influenced, pure expression of love? I think that was what God was wanting when He created us. I could be wrong of course, but I do know 100 percent that we were made with love. God's love is deeper than any ocean. Vaster than any galaxy. Purer than any crystal water.

He loves us all. He knows all of our names. Have you tried to remember over a billion names before? I can't even remember my own name half the time. That is a good way to scale God's mind to ours. He knows everything, we know nothing compared to what He knows. Yet we act like we are in charge of God. We say, "No, God I know what's best for me." But doesn't he know you inside out? I think He knows what is best for you. We should trust Him. I smell an analogy.

It's like we are in a huge hedge maze. We can only see from our point of view, but God has an aerial view. Imagine yourself in that maze and you want to go down the path, let's say this path head towards ______ {I want you to feel in this blank with something you want to obtain or do in your life time} but God is guiding you in the opposite direction. In your prospective, you may think that God is leading you in the wrong direction, but the truth is if you were to see from God's aerial view you would see that the path you originally wanted to go down, would not lead to where you wanted, instead it would lead to a dead end or into something much worse. It would have just been a huge waste of valuable time. You could see that He was not leading you the wrong way, but in fact guiding you on the path to really obtain what you were after. But it might take time to get there. He knows the right timing. Sometimes what you want to do or obtain isn't in the maze at all. So, if you listen to His guidance, you will not waste your valuable time looking for something that isn't in your maze.

My friends, trust in God and ask for His wisdom. He can see all the outcomes, all the variables. And find something to smile about today. What made me smile? I will say that giving gifts to my family made me smile today.


Thank you for reading my blog. I hope your coffee is good and your heart is filled with joy. 

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