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Shaking In My Boots - He Is Faithful

Hello friends and welcome back to He Is Faithful, a series here on my blog. This is part two, so if you are a new reader, here is a little context:

{Hey there! My name is Ashley and I have been a Military wife for a few days shy of nine years. It has been a wild, wonderful ride. Just like rides at a theme park, it has had it's ups and downs, but I wouldn't change it for the world. Through this Military life, I have seen God's provision in ways that I wouldn't have otherwise. These provisions are especially undeniable once every three years when we pack up our lives and move someplace new. I have recently went through one of the roughest moves yet, all the way back to America from overseas. Along the way, though, the Lord has been showing me just how faithful He is through answered prayer and revelations. I feel led to share all of it with you. What do you say? Let's unpack this together!}

Last time, we went all the way back to July, and this is the time-frame we will stay in for at least the beginning of this installment too. At this time, we were still in Japan, and man was this move starting to feel real friends!

Although we had known this next bit of information for months, it was starting to make me sweat a little. Our flight was booked for August 10th, but our estimated move in date for our housing at the new location was sometime between October and December. That is a huge gap! This could mean that we would be spending thousands of dollars on hotel stays until we move in.

Some of you seasoned in the Military experience are probably asking the question that many asked us, "Why not live off base?" You see, we considered that very thing before even applying for housing at the new location. And with this option, we could even get extra money back every month from our housing allotment. That's a no brainer then, right?! Well, you see, I prayed really hard about it before we submitted any application for housing and I heard a definite "No." from God. "Live on base."

I don't know the reason why He wanted us to live on base, but I do know better than to go against His better judgement. After all, it wasn't until after we arrived to our new location that we found out that some areas outside the base aren't exactly safe. I know He knows what He's was and is doing. And even though not obeying would have been the easy road, it wasn't exactly the better road. But are the better roads ever easy?

Anyway, on base it was! I can't lie, friends, I was getting a little nervous at this point. Some days I feel like I am a bold, mighty woman of faith ready to take on whatever the world throws at me, while other days, I am quite literally shaking in my boots. On one particular night, when I was the latter, I prayed the prayer I had been praying for months, with an added dash of anxiety: "O Lord, let us move into our house on base sooner."

I heard Him then, I heard Him say, "Ashley, let me ask you something." Let's stop there for a moment. I feel the need to mention that when God wants to ask me a question, He never actually needs my input. He already knows everything and knows my every thought, even before I think them. No, when He asks me a question, it's always to get me thinking. It's always for my benefit.

"Ashley, is there a human being that could solve your problem?" I thought for a moment. "Well, yes God," I replied, "somebody more financially stable could pay for any hotel costs or even buy us a house there." "So, if a human being with little assets or power could solve your problem, how much more could your all-powerful God, with all the resources and conveniences of both Heaven and earth help you?"

Typing it out now springs tears to my eyes again. How good is He, friends? I still tremble in awe over the fact that God cares about lowly me, just a speck in the wide universe that He created. I certainly don't deserve it.

I continued to pray the following weeks and have faith that God would provide. But, I had a very specific prayer for my all-powerful God: That we would learn our move in date on the EXACT day that we got there. And guess what friends, we did. As soon as we landed, while still in the airport, my husband just happened to check his email, and there it was - our move in date. And it wasn't December, it wasn't November, it wasn't even October, which was the earliest estimation, no, it was September. SEPTEMER!

That was no coincidence my friends, I don't even believe in coincidences! Nope, that was my God and, man, my God is so good! You cannot convince me otherwise. That was no doubt the evidence of the power of prayer! Some people here have told us that most people who move here don't even hear about their housing for 9 months. Those who have told us that have called us 'lucky', but I know better.

I know what we are. We are blessed.

And because I am blessed, I am going find the joy, even when I am shaking in my boots. I am going to keep my faith because I know..

..He Is Faithful.


Thank you for reading my blog. I hope your coffee is good and your heart is filled with joy. 

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