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Take up your cross

Hello from Japan on this very rainy morning. Today I want to talk about Matthew 10:39, Whoever finds their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life for my sake will find it. This one I've always had a little trouble understanding. And I'm sure I'm not the only one, so let's break it down. Whoever finds their life: meaning whoever lives their life for themselves and does whatever they want instead of doing what God has called them to do. Will lose it: This isn't talking about losing your earthly life, but more your eternal life. And whoever loses their life for my sake: Again this isn't talking about your earthly life more like your day to day life. It means giving your life to Christ. It is giving up all that you have and taking up your cross to follow him. Will find it: You will find not only a more meaningful earthly life, but an eternal heavenly life! So, if you live your life devoid of Christ you will not gain an eternal life, and if you give up your life to God you will gain an eternal life. This is the case for anything you give to God. When you give something to Him; He will give you something better in return. And when we give our life to God is when we truly find it. It isn't easy to take up our cross, He never said it would be, but it will be worth it. And just because it is hard does not mean it will be devoid of joy. If anything you will find more joy! Sure you think you find more happiness in living life for you, but is that temporary joy or something more long term? And what about after this life? Also God has so much grace! He doesn't expect perfection. What He desires most is to have a relationship with you. He loves you! He created you and He wants the best for you! He wants you to be happy! I have been really enjoying breaking down bible verses, not only to share them with you, but to find a greater understanding of them for myself. I really hope you got something out of this today and found some joy too. I hope you were able to run into His arms, because that is what He wants above all. I forgot to tell you what made me smile yesterday, it was you! All of you that gave me sweet messages and told me you enjoy my writing. And today I'm smiling because I feel God telling me well done. That is all I could ever hope for.


Thank you for reading my blog. I hope your coffee is good and your heart is filled with joy. 

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