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That Kingdom Freedom

Hello friends, and welcome to the final part of our Freedom Series. In this part, I want to just recap all that we've discussed and add a couple of things that I didn't get to touch on yet. Warning: this is a long one.

In blog titled 'Set Free':

This was the first part of our series, where we defined freedom, and I made an interesting discovery. My concordance (which is really just a small one at the back of my Bible) didn't define freedom, so we had to look at other words with definitions that could fit. We landed on Deliver - to rescue; set free. But on further inspection I have found another that could have fit. Redeem - to free from evil by paying a price or to buy back. That is exactly what Jesus did on the cross. He freed us, delivered us, redeemed us, and bought us back from the evil one.

Also, while searching through my concordance, I found another word that had freedom in it's definition: Peace - freedom from disturbance; calm. That my friends will be the next word in our one-word series!

In 'Set Your Sights On Freedom':

We talked about how, even when we carry out our mundane tasks, the Lord is with us and where the spirit of the Lord is there is freedom. We also got down to the nitty gritty in this part discussing things right off the bat that aren't the easiest things to hear in Christianity, but I am not writing to you to tell you what you want to hear, only what God wants me to tell you.

We discussed how we're slaves when called to faith then become the Lord's freed person; similarly, when we are called to be free, we become Christ's slaves (1 Corinthians 7:22) and though we are free in Christ, we must make ourselves a slave to everyone, to win as many as possible (1 Corinthians 9:19) and lead people to Christ.

In 'Humble Freedom':

We mentioned how we are gifted freedom, not to use for selfish reasons, but to serve one another humbly in love. Also, how Christ tore the veil and paved our way directly to the Father. The Word became flesh and shared in our humanity to die and be able to break the power of death and free us who were slaves of fear.

In 'Free Indeed':

We added to what we talked about in the last blog (not using our freedom for selfish reasons) - we, also, should not use our freedom as a cover-up for evil. We went over the verse John 8:32 and I couldn't help but wonder if the phrase, 'the truth will set you free', came from this verse. In day to day life, some can be set free by the truth metaphorically, mentally, or emotionally, but it is only God's truth that sets you free physically, spiritually, emotionally, and mentally all at once.

In 'Walk About In Freedom':

This was my favorite because it confirmed all that God had been telling me for weeks. Isn't that just God? The verse we mainly focused on was Psalms 119:45: 'I will walk about in freedom, for I have sought out your precepts.' We talked about how we are set free from every sin, proof that the law could not do what Jesus did, (we can now walk about in freedom!) and how we are no longer slaves of sin, fear, and death; for Jesus already broke the chains that once bounded us to them. Instead, we are slaves to righteousness.

If your interested on how this correlated with what God had been telling me for weeks; go back and read that blog because, just maybe, it will help you also. And that is why I write these blogs! To help you guys with the same things that have confused or burdened me about God's ways. Our earthly mentality tends to warp things so that they don't make sense or just leave a bitter taste in our mouths. Lately, when this happens, I've been trying to say to God, "When I trust you, I don't have to understand."

In 'Forever Free':

We talked about how God didn't just set us free from sin, fear, and death; but He gave us the key to everlasting life. When we become slaves to righteousness we reap that reward. Did you think the nitty gritty things discussed above was all bad? It's not, we are richly rewarded when we become Christ's slaves. The reward we reap is life everlasting, not just life on the earth or life in the Heavens, but life way extended past the creation of the new Heaven and the new Earth that is mentioned in Revelations. It's forever life and forever freedom.

And our last one - 'Sent To Set Free':

We talked about the verse Galatians 5:1, that we almost missed in our Biblical hunt for freedom; 'Do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery' because Jesus set us free so that we can actually be free, but when you let things that once enslaved you bother you, it defeats the point. Drop it at His feet!

We also talked about the verse Luke 4:18-19 and went over it in great detail because it is the only verse in our Freedom Series that came straight from the mouth of Jesus. If you want to see the details, please don't be afraid to go back and read the entire thing because I am only briefly going over these.

And that was our Freedom Series, my friends, I hope you enjoyed it. I hope it brought a smile to your face like it did to mine. Also, there was one more thing that I wrote down that I wanted to add to this series, but it didn't seem to fit anywhere. It came from the song 'New Wine' by Hillsong: "Where there is freedom, Your Kingdom is there."

It just so happens that freedom rhymes with Kingdom! Kingdom Freedom! It's funny how that fits perfectly with all we've been discussing and that, even though I couldn't find a place where that line fit, it seems to fit perfectly right here at the end of our series.

I will write to you next week, my friends, where we will jump into our Peace Series. Until then, smile, if you are in Christ Jesus, you have forever freedom. You have that Kingdom Freedom.


Thank you for reading my blog. I hope your coffee is good and your heart is filled with joy. 

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