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The Map

Hello friends! Welcome back to 30 Days of Gratitude. Today I am thankful for God's word. I am thankful that we have the word; without it we would not know how to come to God. We couldn't be confident that we are sealed or marked. His word is a light for our feet. Without it we would be lost.

We would not know the promises that God has for us nor would we have a way to gain understanding, knowledge, or wisdom except if we be still and listen for those tender whispers of love. But how would we know to do that? The Bible is not a rule book. It is a map to keep you on the righteous path. It is important. Here is another one of my analogies:

Say that you are walking along a path of gold. The fields on both sides of the path are filled with all sorts of things that look nice to our flesh, but we will say they are black glittery mushrooms for our metaphor. Say you just want to step off the path a little to pluck one of these pleasing mushrooms, but then you see one that is even more desirable. So, you go a little ways further from the path. Then you see one even more desirable. Each time you tell yourself that it is okay because you are only going off the path a little at a time, but before you realize it, you have lost the path entirely.

With out the map you have no way to get back on the path. Also the map would have told you that those glittery pleasing mushrooms were sins and things set by the enemy to keep you from the path of righteousness. They look nice to our flesh because we are blinded with rose covered glasses. Only when you have the understanding from the map do you remove those rose covered glasses and see them for what they really are. Rotten mushrooms that do not add anything to your life, but take away and manipulate you to think it is okay to keep plucking these mushrooms.

In this analogy the map is the Holy Bible. 2020 is foresight. So, it is natural in life to learn from other's experiences. We do it everyday. The Bible has accounts of experiences that we can learn from to gain understanding. So, my friends, I am thankful for my map. I am thankful for the understanding that God has given me thus far. I am learning more and more each day. I will never be done learning. Find something to be thankful for today and find something to smile about today. There is so much good in this world. Find one thing today, no matter how small.


Thank you for reading my blog. I hope your coffee is good and your heart is filled with joy. 

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