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The Only Firm Foundation

Hello friends! You know I've noticed life can change at a drop of a dime. One moment everything seems perfect then suddenly it changes and hard times fall on you like a cartoon anvil. One thing is for certain, change is a sure thing in life. That's why we need something stable to stand on. Like a sturdy foundation.

Without a foundation, when a flood comes, our house is picked up and moved down stream. Or, another analogy, suddenly a rug gets pulled out from under our feet and we fall. Sometimes we just crumble from the pressure and have nothing to build us back up. But if we have a sturdy foundation, we have those support beams in place. That foundation is Jesus Christ.

Ironically enough, God is never changing, so that foundation will always be there and no change will come to it. No storm can break it down. No earthquake can form cracks in it. It is the only lasting foundation there is. And it was laid there when Jesus died for us. He paved it with His blood. And He paved our way to God.

So do you have a sturdy foundation or are you going to be floating down the river at the next drop of a dime? Smile if you do because you have a security that is worth more than the wealth any bank can hold. I can smile today, knowing that if any storm were to come my way, I have the only firm foundation.


Thank you for reading my blog. I hope your coffee is good and your heart is filled with joy. 

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