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To where will you run?

Hello friends! Here I am staring at this computer screen not knowing what to write. Normally when this happens I start praying and God gives me a word or a verse. I just know He's nudging me to talk about something. So I've been flicking through my bible. I do that sometimes to see what I might have circled or to see what jumps out at me. But this time everything that has stuck out to me is talking about the last days. When I realized the similarities. I started jotting them down. Zephaniah 1:18 and Jude 1:18 are a couple.

They just so happen to be on the page that my thumb caught and just so happen to catch my eyes first. But there is no coincidences with God. Guys the last days are upon us. He coming back soon. I can feel it. I've found myself listening for that trumpet. And if you've strayed from God. Don't be ashamed. Don't let be embarrassed to run back into his arms. There's a parable in Matthew. 'If a man owns a hundred sheep, and one of them wanders away, will he not leave the ninety-nine on the hills and go look for the one that wandered off? And if he finds it, truly I tell you, he is happier about that one sheep then about the ninety-nine that did not wander off.' Matthew 18:12-13. If he is the Shepard in this parable and we are the sheep; That means He's looking for you and He will welcome you back with opened arms. He will not criticize you. He will be happy.

Take some time today to read your bible. Get back on the path with God. The bible says Jesus will come back like a thief in the night. We will not expect it. We never know how much time we have here on this earth. And God is so good. No matter what you've done. No matter what mistakes you've made in your life. He loves you. The one and only God LOVES you! That is mind blowing to me. All he wants is love back. He is forgiving. He will forgive you for all you've done. All you have to do is ask for it. Or just bow your head and close your eyes and think it and He knows what you're saying. And if you don't know what to say just say Jesus. He wants you back in His arms. He knows we're human. He knows will wander somethings. All He wants is you back in His arms. Smile today. He loves you so smile! Don't let a day get wasted by anger, depression, or sadness. Smile. Be joyful. He is with you. I'm smiling today because even though I'm all alone right now; I'm in the arms of the father.


Thank you for reading my blog. I hope your coffee is good and your heart is filled with joy. 

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