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Trust Obliterates Doubt

Hello friends. Welcome back to 30 Days of Gratitude. Today I am thankful for the knowledge and understanding I get from God. Each day I feel like I am growing in my faith. As I grow, God gives me pieces of knowledge for me to think on, process, chew on; I've coined the phrase 'chewing gum' for this phenomenon. He always gives me the right piece of 'chewing gum' that I need for what is going on in my life.

Some parts of the Bible are hard to process or understand. In my younger years, I found myself jumping to conclusions. This built a wall between me and Christ. When I read God's word, I would become offended sometimes. Now I know that I had an earthly mentality. I also now know the enemy likes to twist things in our head to be something that they are not, but at the time, I was mad at God.

We have to realize that we are born blind to God and His ways. We cannot possibly understand until we gain the knowledge that He provides. That is where trust comes in. Trust replaces earthly mentality conclusions and the anger that comes from those conclusions. Trust tears down the walls that we might have built up between us and God. Trust obliterates doubt.

So I am thankful for the understanding that God has given me thus far. It is the only way I can grow spiritually. I am thankful that through the understanding I've gained, that I have total trust in God. I can't think of a better place for my trust to lie.

Find something to be thankful for friends and smile today. Know that God is good! He only sees good, He only does good, and He only knows good. If that is true and we believe it, then we can trust Him. Thus, there is no need in jumping to conclusions. Strip that earthly mentality. Forget everything you think you know and open that Bible. Have trust in those words. I am smiling today because without understanding from God, I would be still locked in depression and anger.


Thank you for reading my blog. I hope your coffee is good and your heart is filled with joy. 

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