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Upcoming Blog Milestone and Focusing On What is Important.

Hello friends! Can you believe there is only 6 blogs until I reach my 100th blog? Didn't I just start this blog? Wait no, that was August 18th. 3 Months ago?! That is so crazy to me. I'm proud of myself for keeping up with it, but honestly, it came easy. It has been a blast! I love updating my website every month, I love sending out newsletters to my subscribers, I love taking photos for the blogs, and I LOVE writing to you guys. I makes me smile every time.

Maybe we should do something special for the 100th blog, but what? Oh, I know! Maybe I could put my favorite lines from my past blogs. Just fill a whole blog post with them. What do you guys think about this? I'm super excited now. I'm going to go through all of my blogs this weekend and pick some lines out. I have to remember not to make it too long though.

I hope you guys don't mind this relaxed writing I've been doing the last couple of days with updates and just getting my thoughts out. I find this is a nice break from trying to cram a lot of meaning into my blogs. Although the blogs that have meaning, those are my favorite types of blogs. Those 'Ah-huh' moments when I think of something I hadn't before or when God shows me something; or even when I write something prophetic or something that I really like, those blogs I tend to read over and over.

100 blogs really feels like a milestone. I could make milestones of how many views I get or how many subscribers I have, but I don't want that to be my focus. Most of the time I don't even check my page views. How many views I get doesn't matter, what matters is who I reach. What I mean is, when I write things that God has given me, I want it to reach the person who also needs to hear it. I also want joy to reach people too, because that is the point of this blog. If I make only one person smile or find joy then it is all worth it.

So, smile today my friends. This isn't suppose to be a bossy statement, but an invitation. This day will never happen again so why not smile and find some joy in it? Why waste this day by dwelling on the negatives? I hope it come across as an invitation. I hope you read it with the same enthusiasm that I write it with. Today, I can't help but smile because I see so much good that God is doing for me. I see this blog as an accomplishment, not my accomplishment but Gods. He gets the glory. To Him be the glory forever and ever, Amen.


Thank you for reading my blog. I hope your coffee is good and your heart is filled with joy. 

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