Walk About In Freedom
Hello friends! Welcome back to our theme this month - freedom. Today we continue in our endeavor to find freedom in the Bible. We start in Psalms.
I will walk about in freedom, for I have sought out your precepts.
Psalms 119:45
I love this - walk about in freedom! Though I'm sure I'm not the only one who doesn't fully understand what the second half of this verse means. Google defines precept as a general rule intended to regulate behavior or thought. Oh, so it means: 'I have sought out your ideals in which I need to behave'. I love that also.
Through him everyone who believes is set free from every sin, a justification you were not able to obtain under the law of Moses.
Acts 13:39
Uswhobelieve, we are set free from every sin, proof that the law could not do what Jesus did. We can now walk about in freedom.
You have been set free from sin and have become slaves to righteousness.
Romans 6:18
We are no longer slaves of sin, fear, and death; for Jesus already broke the chains that once bounded us to them. Instead, we are slaves to righteousness.
Lately, God's been showing me the things I've been carrying around all my life. It started off with me praying for fears to go away, because I am alone and to be alone at night can be scary, and He told me: "I can only pick up what you lay at my feet."
After that, the Holy Spirit started revealing other fears and things that have been weighing me down. That's when He said, "I have broken the chains that forced you to carry these things in the past. Why do you still feel the need to keep them on your shoulders?" Needless to say, this made my eyes open, and teary. I can walk about in freedom, yet I do not enjoy my stroll because I carry unnecessary things.
So, God has been giving me the gumption to put them at His feet and the strength to leave them there. You wouldn't think it would be so hard to leave heavy things on the ground. Surely I wouldn't be tempted to pick them up again, right? But somehow, it's difficult for me.
But the more weight I take off my shoulders, the more I can not only walk about in freedom, but dance about in the warmth of freedom. The more weight I drop at His feet, the more I can smile. So, I invite you to do the same. If, like me, you don't know where to begin, just ask the Father and the Holy Spirit will reveal things to you that you have needlessly been carrying.