Introducing Blogtober And What Is Fall About?
Hello friends! It’s October and we are well into fall, which means it is time for Blogtober! For those of you who may not know, Blogtober is a challenge for bloggers to create content every single day of the month of October. The goal is to push yourself creatively. Many bloggers take part in it each year. This is my second year taking part in it. (Last year I did ‘The God Of All Comfort’. Here is the link to the first blog in that series: )
While trying to decide what concept to pursue this year, I searched on google, ‘What is fall about?’ Well, Google took this literally and gave me the definition of ‘fall about’: laugh uncontrollably. Which, in turn, made me do just that. I thought it would make you guys’ chuckle too.
As I did more research about fall, I learned something new. Did you know that it is called fall because of the dropping of leaves? It seems obvious, but I didn’t put two and two together. But with this new knowledge came our theme for Blogtober.
Just as trees drop leaves to the ground, there are things that we, as believers, can “drop” and “leave(s)” behind. Sorry I couldn’t help myself with the puns. Trees drop the dry, decaying leaves (the ones that are not benefiting the tree) and sprout new ones. That is what we are going to be talking about this month, dropping the bad at the feet of Jesus and replacing them with something good from God.
So, my friends, I will see you tomorrow for the first installment of this series. Until then, remember to smile and share with someone ‘what is fall about’.